At Rebuilt Pumps & Motors Ltd., we have the brands that you want to use. We service all of the popular styles of pumps in areas like electric submersible, closed coupled and grinder pumps just to name a few. Because we do everything in house, RPM Limited is your one stop for sales and services.
Links for Pumps:
Electric Motor Repairs and Service
We can rewind or repair your existing motor with fast turnaround times, we aim to give you the most cost effective option to keep you going.
Electric Motor Rewind
With the use of advanced materials, Rebuilt Pumps & Motors Ltd. has the answer when you have problems securing parts or are working with obsolete parts.
New Motor Sales
In our showroom, you’ll find a great selection of electric motors when your existing equipment is close to failing or rewinding isn’t an option. We are distributors for many brands and stock the largest variety of electric motors on the island.
MaxMotion Electric Motors
Rebuilt Pumps & Motors Limited are the exclusive Newfoundland and Labrador distributor for MaxMotion electric motors.
Rebuilt Pumps & Motors Limited guarantees all of its work and offer a one-year warranty on all rewinds. If you’re one of our valued customers, we offer a 24-our breakdown service.
Anytime you need us, we’ll be there to help you out.
Links for Motors:
Power Transmission
At Rebuilt Pumps & Motors Limited, we have extensive knowledge of the power transmission industry. Due to the large number of motor/gear combinations used in the secondary processing industry, we have established ourselves as one of the largest suppliers of Nord Gear, SEW Eurodrive, Grove Gear, Ironman, Hub City, ect.
Links for Power Transmission:
We offer quality parts and quality services.